Saturday, 27 November 2010

'On her dress she wears a body'

New project... New Brief...!
Shapemaking !
what defines the shape what impact does the shape have ?!
Impact words have with individual interpretation....
1st Stage Toile
Repition has a funny way of catching up with you via Knots- Seamless!

On her dress she wears a body.
Woman's body is as bumpy as my skull.
Glorious if you are made flesh with spirit
- The Stimultaneous Dress,(1914) Sonia Delaunay.

Time to Experiment on this toile !!!

Thursday, 11 November 2010

Innovative ideas

Here is a section of one of my pattern cutting classes............
it involved using old garments in my case a shirt and skirt
too create new innovative ideas for garment shapes /silhouettes.

As pattern cutting is still an unfamiliar and hard subject me at the moment,
I find working on the stand creating patterns that way
 much more easier as a designer as it  helps influence my designs.

Here are some examples there not the greatest quality but you get the idea .....

Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Yesterday seemed soo far away


 just got
too Love
the cold
breezy mornings ....

have the time too look up
 at the sky !


Camilla Wellton
- Definately a must buy coat
-created around the idea of the greek godess Gaiia  (earth)
- silohettes are feminie with structural details.
- collar is created around petals

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Keep love in your heart

Its not the clearest image.
it's not the most obvious .
Its a found image
To me it reperesents the fast pace
my life is passing me by at the moment
How we all are guilty of taking  advantage
of the insignificant everyday tasks.
I've learnt not to let life pass me by.
Not too wait for people who don't wait for you.
To care for those who care about you
Laugh ..... when somethings funny
Scream......When your beyond emotion
Just Love......everything in your life.

'Keep love in your heart.
A life without it is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead.
The consciousness of loving and being loved brings a warmth
 and richness to life that nothing else can bring'

-Oscar Wilde


Monday, 8 November 2010

Bringing a Touch of Sunshine to London!

 Just One in a crowd .............
 On the tate balcony sipping a can of Soda taking in the view ....... Stunning
 Theres something about this sculpture which interests ...............almost human
 long day after looking as rough as I possibly good I decided to capture the moment .......
 Living in an artist's paradise ....... Heaven.
 Welcome to Camden Locks - home of the hippies ,punks , artists ,musicians .... & everyone else :)
 Autum came and went
 Floral Glow .......... almost magican don't you think !
                        Just taking a break from my day job .......

                      Some ape I ran away from .........
                         Its a magical world - it is what it is !
                      MR Big Ben !
 Coasting on the Thames ......
 Some Guy who came and sat next too me.... Looks kind of evil!
 Just in our own little world - lets make a statement!

I Left my Heart mind in London ! See you soon !

Liverpool Biennial 2010

A Foundation - Liverpool - Biennal 2010




Penny instalation at A foundation


Liverpool Cathedral

Breath Taking.........Warmness

“There is not enough darkness in all the world to put out the light of even one small candle”.
-Robert Alden

'The golden moments in the stream of life rush past us and
we see nothing but sand; the angels
come to visit us, and
we only know them when they are gone.'
-George Elliot

Laura Belem- The Temple of a thousand bells 2010
- Instalation with sound
-Glass Bells , nylon string , sound system , lighting
-music : Fernando Rocha.

Saturday, 6 November 2010

The mask with a fringe - making a difference

'My main inspiration comes from ‘assemblage expressionism’ which is an artistic process in which a three-dimensional artistic composition is made from putting together found objects. I love once-in-a-lifetime encounters with vintage objects and materials that have functional beauty. By observing and studying the beauty of the objects I gain clues to make new distinctive styles. I’ve always been inspired by using vintage material as an ecological way of creating new pieces.'


Liverpool Bienall trip - looking at contemporary artists

I believe the trip was used as a tool for contemporary practising artists and designers to engage with art and the 'EMOTIONAL IMPACT' it has on modern society....

Embology - Magdela Abakanwicz- Tate Liverpool

- The uncertainty quality of the stitches

- The sculptures look almost rock like and have an organic natural appeal which I believe adds character and a sense of individuality to the art.

- The composition of the embryology sculptures are very loosely stacked which give an effortless almost like you’ve just stumbled across them.

Another intriguing piece of sculpture was by artist Eduardo Paolozzi

Who had taken the iconic Michael Angelo’s David but put his own interpretation with mix media including plaster , string and casting which produced rough and edgy textures.

Monday, 28 June 2010

Royal college of art London! Graduate show 2010

Sophia Grace Webster - My first reaction to these was 'I have found love  in the shape of a shoe' these heels certainly are a show stopper ,I love the bright vibrant pink colour chosen compliments the summer season very well alongside the butterfly design , she successfully creates a chic shoe without looking too tacky , the future is certainly bright for this lady.

Sara Bro-Jørgensen- Here is a quirky trenchcoat print very creative and works with the idea of printing with clothes onto fabrics if I saw this design in the street i'd certainly look twice for all the right reasons afterall isn't fashion all about standing out !creating an impression on the public? Thoughts ?

Simone Sommer
I love the garment how elegant the dress is tailored it could be used for day or night the colour deffinately gives the garment a sophisticated summer feel the fabric is light weight so it floats along the runway in an effort less way .

Tuesday, 8 June 2010

It's Mcqueen!

Although I know i'm a little late reporting on this but ! Alexander Mcqueen's Jellyfish inspired clutch took the collection to another dimension the colours are equisite the mix of the bold blue and purple tones in the Jelly fish inspired print alonside  the satin fabric with the leather detial will certainly make a girl feel a million dollars...... Will put you back £295 but worth every penny ! To compliment the collection her has a sting ray inspired clutch this has a rough texture the colours arebased on more subtle grey tones.......

all copyright too :

London Jewellery week !

This week is London Jewellery week !Anyone who knows me well will tell you how much I love jewellery !  Whilst visiting the official LJW website I stumbled across some Treasures lets face it an outfit isn't complete without at least once piece of jewellery..............

Rebecca Steiner Fine Jewellery hand crafted in her Epson studio created from gold and based around the idea of exploration. The bracelet does contain conitations associated with exploration it allows people to imagine the origin of the braclet.
Personally I adore the intricate nature of the bracelet and how its been hand pieced together .....lets face it Gold certainly does turn an outfit from trash to cash !

Most importatly the event is showcasing young up and coming British talent. It will display London Metropolitian students work.......... and there response to a CRED project reflecting fairtrade tales.....
Jewellery with ethics !  thats what we want to be seeing! Treasure indeed!

Tina Lilienthal  inspired by pop art ,toys her unconventional approach to jewellery made her an instant hit as a designer she showcases meanings and motives for her collections and using her work to tell stories......Personally I love her little skull collection as they can easily be layered or used in a delicate manner at £40 a piece not a bad price tag!

Design Space - Gemma Elizabeth Holz here is her iconic fish bone necklace I love the shapes used to potray the fish bone outline it gives the piece a sense of elegance whilst still being chic and trendy.