Monday, 3 January 2011

I Don't have much money.....

I've always wondered what it would actually be
like if money didn't exist
Would we still have the rich and the poor?
Would we still need possessions to define where we lie in society?
Would we enjoy things that cost nothing in life?
Would the homeless feel wanted?
Would we all be equal?
Would the world actually be a better place?

Thats one thing we will never know for certain...........

I decided 2011 to be the year Ihave my own sketchbook
where I sketch without thinking ,where I let the subject come to me as I sketch

1st entry is a 10 minute sketch - Homeless - as I sketched
I thought to myself these people have no money for one reason
or another but does that mean there not happy ??

The picture isn't realistic ,
it was never meant too be
its just lines and scribbles with a biro and water

The Image moved and I captured it
I love the effect the images has when it moves
How it blurs almost drains like.

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